I’m Stuck Writing on Medium. Any Advice?

It’s been a year since I joined Medium’s Partner Program, and I’m getting frustrated about how it’s going.

Enrique Llanes
3 min readFeb 15, 2023


Photo by KS KYUNG on Unsplash

Although I didn’t set any goals at first when starting to write on Medium, once it got up to speed I expected to slowly grow my follower, reads, and fan counts.

Getting started

In the first months, it was great. A couple of stories went viral and I had lots of visualizations and feedback from readers. I even got a story “featured” by Medium and the view count was around 15,000 per month. I was quite impressed by how people were attracted to my content.

Then summer came and I took a break from publishing. I reduced my story count to just 12 articles for the months from July to November and, as expected, visits to them also decreased.

As I wasn’t happy with how it was going, and I enjoy writing, I started regularly publishing again in December and uploaded 16 stories in two and a half months or around one every four to five days. However, it doesn’t seem to be enough, as I can’t manage to gather attention from readers.


Another thing that has changed is that I used to get every story distributed by Medium staff in the…



Enrique Llanes

4X Top Writer // Tesla fan. Technology enthusiast. AI will change the world. Madrid.