You can’t drive 500 miles non-stop on an Electric Vehicle

This is the mantra combustion engine owners and, sometimes enthusiasts, are throwing all the time against EVs.

Enrique Llanes
3 min readFeb 15, 2023


Photo by Wes Hicks on Unsplash

On February 14th, the European Parliament gave the thumbs up to a new law that will ban the sale of petrol and diesel cars after 2035. Now, people are debating whether electric cars can really satisfy everyone’s needs.

Long distance trips

I’ve been keeping an eye on Twitter for some of the conversations that have been happening, and there’s a group of users who claim they can make long trips without stopping and at high speeds, and that only a petrol or diesel car can meet their needs.

And I think they are right. If you need to travel 500 miles or more non-stop and want to drive at 70 mph or faster, you won’t go far with an EV. At that speed, and depending on the EV you own, you will have to stop every 100 to 200 miles for a 20 to 50 minutes charge. There is no way you can do this trip the same way you do it with a petrol vehicle, where you can stop maybe just once or even not at all to refuel in 10 minutes.

That petrol and diesel vehicles are more convenient for long trips is something even EV’s biggest fans, of which I feel a part, can’t deny. They…



Enrique Llanes

4X Top Writer // Tesla fan. Technology enthusiast. AI will change the world. Madrid.